Hi Team,
We have configured the terminal server agent and tested it out for few agents and it was successful. But, for the same user's internet was not working some times. Agent versions are the latest.
Have checked the source port allocation and their count is not exceeded. But still, somewhere it's misbehaving in mapping the IP-user-port.
Vishnu PS.
See if you can identify any sessions that are not matched to a user and then see if the source port is inside the user assigned source ports. If not, the TSA ran out of ports to assign. If the source port is in a good block, but the user was not mapped, the TSA may be switching available blocks too fast causing conflicts. Also see if you get frequent disconnect errors; if the TSA is failing to update the firewall due to disconnects, that will cause discrepancies as well
Have you been able to track down which sessions were failing, which source port was being used and to whom the source port was mapped? You may need to increase the size of the blocks of assigned source ports. For web sessions it's easy to quickly exceed the first block of assigned source ports