Hello good afternoon, here again with some doubts with some new doubts about Panorama, thank you very much for the collaboration and support.
What happens in this case:
I have a firewall that allows a certain template stack, with X Networks and Devices configurations. These firewalls (in HA) will be migrated to a new template stack, but there I have my doubts, if for example in the templates of the new template stack, I do not have an HA configuration at the level, but the firewalls, in the previous template, were HA parameters were generated and most of them were overwritten locally in the firewall. That is where my big and problematic doubt is, if I migrate to another template stack, which does not have HA configurations, what happens to the local configurations already overwritten to the old template? Will I have a problem with that? or when overwriting the old template, these configurations are already part of the local configuration of the firewalls and independent of the new template without HA config, these parameters locally overwritten by HA, to the old template, are already part of the local configuration of the firewall and we would not have any affectation or problem and those local parameters will continue to operate without problems? My idea is to keep keeping those local overrides even by changing the template stack.
Thank you very much
I remain attentive, cordial greetings.
Consultancy available if needed ;)
I use the followed Ng doctrine for such occasions I create 2 template stacks I create 1 template with all the 'shared' config (interfaces, zones , profiles,...) I create 2 templates, each with the individual settings for each firewall (HA config, mgmt IP, hostname, update schedule) Once allmis configured, push with "force template values" so all the overrides are removed (If you don't add the individual templates and don't use force template, the previous overwritten config will remain, but you will be stuck with the for ever so I would advise to power through and force new templates with everything configured properly)