Palo Alto HA Active-Passive Port-channel-Switch Stack.
Good afternoon, here again asking for your collaboration, thank you very much. Question is it possible to generate a LACP port-channel towards a switch in stack (2 switches).
Well, being active-passive in HA, it would be in the port-channel of the active firewall, a cable goes to an interface of switch 1 of the portchannel and another interface goes to switch two of the port-channel. and in the Passive the physical connections, portchannel with an interface to an interface of switch 1 of the stack and another interface to switch 2 of the stack.
PA-Active====portchannel====------One interface------switch01-stack
PA-Passive====portchannel====------One interface------switch01-stack
If this is feasible, this configuration is supported in Palo Alto.
Thanks in advance, stay tuned, best regards
technically that should work perfectly
Yeah that's perfectly possible as long as the switch supports it too
Yes, you can create an aggregate HA group and enable lacp You can even enable "lacp in passive mode" so the passive interfaces come online and form lacp peering while the firewall is in an inactive state