Onboarding HA Firewalls Only template-stack
Hello good morning, as always thank you very much for your support and collaboration.
One doubt, is it feasible to perform an Onboarding to Panorama, but only Template/Template-Stack. The context is that this HA already has policies through Device-Groups, but... only Device-Groups, it does not have template/template-stack.
Is it feasible to do an onboarding of only the Template-Stack ?
Thanks, I remain attentive
Best regards.
If the firewalls already have device group config, they already have been onboarden This means you can either choose to create templates and start deploying those to the firewalls as well, or you need to re-onboard which will require several steps - On the firewall, 'import' the panorama config (set as local) - remove firewalls from panorama - import firewalls - delete newly created device groups and put the firewalls back into their original device groups - push config bundle ( panorama > setup > operations) That should fix it
I don't understand the middle part of your question :)
it is perfectly possible to only onboard templates and not push device groups (and keep the firewall/nat config local
Do you mean with "HA already has policies through Device-Groups," that one of the members gets the device-group? this type of config is NOT synced in HA so both peers need to get the same device-group config pushed to them