Good Day Team,
Trust you are well,
We need your expertise and advise.
The enviroment we work with is a full on ldap and multiple on-prem AD servers for autjentication , there has been a shift for some time now whereby the infrastructure and cloud teams has migrated most or if not all services to the cloud.
The on-prem firewalls has connection to local AD on-prem servers and authenticates users together with security policies that are user-id based. We dont use global protect as a service.
Most of the end devices are now joined via Mircosoft Entra ID / AAD and users are now prompted everytime to enter thier username and password as the palo alto captive portal pops up.
Been reading up on a lot of articles regarding settings up AAD / Microsoft Entra ID with SAML authentication and Cloud Identification Engine.
Am stuck in the sense how to make both work together or which configuration will be best suited still using the exisiting user-id policies togetherl using on-prem AD auth and Entra joined devices. Or this should just work by confguring the SAML section and adding it to the Authentication Profile.
Your assitance is highhly appreciated.
Good day Team,
Came accross these videos that is something am looking fo , videos may be a older but propbably use the same concepts.Its seem cloud identity engine is the was to go for both on-prem and Azure , OKTA etc.
Just checking if anyone has done this type of configuration or scenrios.