Jumbo L2 frames ? MTU only L3 adjust - Inherits L2/Vwire
Hi, how are you doing, I hope you are doing well.
I have seen that at config level there is little or nothing about Jumbo Frames, so the truth is that I have a big doubt.
According to the docs the first step is to manually enable global Jumbo Frame, which alters the MTU to 9192.
Then there are the L3 interfaces that one can adjust the MTU, now I have my big doubt, what happens with a firewall in VWire or L2?
If I will see reflected its MTU an L2 or Vwire interface that at Interface level I can not edit the MTU ?
According to this KB https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000ClVaCAK:
When Jumbo Frames are enabled, the default MTU value will be 9192 bytes. The maximum MTU supported is 9216 bytes.
Notes: When enabled, it applies to all Data Plane interfaces, including HA interfaces. It is possible to enable Jumbo Frames globally with a lower default value of 1500 and then customize the only interfaces needed with a higher MTU according to business requirements. As a reminder, it is important to configure the switch accordingly.
This is only for VM:
Does this mean that by enabling Jumbo Frame even though I can't adjust the MTU on L2, it will still inherit the global Jumbo Frames to all interfaces, including Vwire and L2? So I understand, I enable Jumboframe, I can set MTU only on L3 but on L2,VWIRE, even HA, it will inherit it from the global.
Thanks to all of you for your time, good vibes and collaboration.
I remain attentive
Regards and attentive to your comments
That's correct
You need to enable Jumbo Frames globally for the system to start supporting larger frames
On L3 interfaces you can manually change the MTU back down (so for example your internet interface only allows 1500 MTU) but on L2 and VWire interfaces, the global setting is applied