I have an active/passive pair with path-monitoring. The primary is monitoring for ISP1 and fo ISP2, so if either IP is not reachable, failover will occur.
My question is, should the passive fw monitor the same IP addresses, or different ones such as and
Thoughts welcome.
Well it depends right. What caused the path monitor in the primary to fail. If the same condition applies to the secondary (same ISP router for example), it will also fail over (flap).
If you monitor exactly the same ips and those ips are unreachable due to an upstream issue, your cluster will "flap" until the max flap count is reached at which time one member will end up in forced suspend. I usually study the physical connections/locations/paths to determine if the same ips make sense. Sometimes they do (cause fw2 is connected to different is routers) sometimes they don't (same path so same potential of failure) at which time I simply disable path monitor on the secondary, or use different ips to monitor when applicable