HA Passive Link State Auto - Vwire Interfaces
Hello good evening, thank you very much for the collaboration.
In HA I have configured the passive link in Auto, in the layer 3 firewall, this works correctly and the secondary firewall interfaces appear as green UP. But in the equipment with "Vwire", in the secondary equipment they appear in red, that is to say down, is this correct? Is it because it is at the level of layer 2, therefore due to STP issues, the adjacent equipment does not negotiate with the interface, therefore it appears as down/red?
I understand that the car is from a physical perspective, so even if there are STP or LACP issues, you should see the link in green in UP, unless the other end has the port turned off.
According to the following article/KB: "The expected link state for the corresponding switch ports (not considering LACP nor STP) should be in an "up" state from a physical layer perspective." https://knowledgebase.paloaltonetworks.com/KCSArticleDetail?id=kA10g000000boFVCAY&lang=en_US%E2%80%A9#:~:text=Answer%0AThe%20expected%20link%20state%20for%20the%20corresponding%20switch%20ports%20(not%20considering%20LACP%20nor%20STP)%20should%20be%20in%20an%20%22up%22%C2%A0state%C2%A0from%20a%20physical%20layer%20perspective
Thank you
Stay tuned to your comments
Best regards
Have you tried disabling "link state passthrough" for the vwire? AFAIK a vwire is always down in passive mode but I haven't worked with many vwires. I also don't find any documentation regarding this topic