Hi all,
I'm seeing that when I run Best Practice Assessments using a customer Panorama Tech Support file it comes up and says "No License Installed" for each of the subscriptions when viewing Adoption Heatmap - Device Groups or Serial Number & Vsys. I know the customer has these subscriptions as the licenses are installed and working on the firewalls.
Also, when you go to the Device Info tab it only gives you the license information of the Panorama appliance.
Is this a known bug or simply how the BPA using Panorama reports the licensing? It would be useful for the BPA to actually report what licenses each firewall has and the expiry etc especially when it is being marketed as a 'trade-up/expand' tool for partners.
As always, thank you for you wisdom and guidance!
That's where the device licences are stored so if they're not showing up in the BPA that's the first place I'd look :)
Did they fetch the license information from the connected devices in the Panorama > Device Deployment > Licenses menu?